YAVUZ GIDA, located in the food chain from nature to consumption,
In the production of HAZELNUT and HAZELNUT PRODUCTS, in all its activities as an integral part of working and production methods; It aims to continuously improve and develop in all these areas by controlling the effects on Quality, Food Safety and Quality Culture, Environment, Social Responsibility, Working Conditions, Occupational Health and Safety, and preventing the repetition of mistakes.
In order to increase the value of our brand, it is our most important principle to ensure that consumers consume our products safely and healthily.
Focusing on quality, natural environment, human health, ethical values as well as leading market and distribution targets, YAVUZ GIDA;
- Perceives customer needs quickly and accurately for better quality, meets customer needs on time, maintains customer satisfaction,
- Strive for the establishment of quality culture, food safety, environment, occupational health and safety awareness in its employees through training and information activities in the light of "Science-Unity-Success", ensuring the participation of all employees in quality,
- With its participatory management approach, it gives importance to human resources, technological developments, the satisfaction of its customers and the development of its suppliers
- Continuously improves food safety and quality culture activities and follows and fulfills all legal obligations and customer requests that ensure product integrity
- Makes quality a way of life for all its employees, ensures the regularity and continuity of product and process quality in all its works
- Respects laws, cultural values and ethical rules in all regions where it operates, communicates openly and expects this understanding from all suppliers and internal stakeholders,
- Provides food defense inside and outside in all process steps by preventing imitation and adulteration, produces products that are not far from authenticity,
- Food Safety Provides cultural awareness. Necessary defense mechanisms are created against Food Terrorism.
- It undertakes to transmit and/or request information about Quality, Food Safety and Quality Culture, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety to customers and suppliers when necessary.